Makar Yeghiazaryan - Ypartners
- Civil law
- Civil litigation
- Corporate relations
- Contractual relations
- Bankruptcy proceedings
- Labor relations
- INSOL International, study program of the international organization, International (Transnational) Bankruptcy Issues (2019-present)
- Yerevan School of Political Studies (2019)
- Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago-Kent collage of law, LL.M (2017)
- School of American Law for Caucasus, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Pre- LL.M. program (2015)
- Yerevan State University, Yerevan, RA, Master’s Degree in Law (2013)
- Yerevan State University, Yerevan, RA, Bachelor’s Degree in Law (2007)
- A member of INSOL Europe (International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Professionals).
- Member of Youth Parliament of the RA, the Chair of Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs.
- The Founder-President of “Proportional Development” Community Development NGO.
- The founder of “Kind Santa Claus” charitable program in Armenia, (
- On February 2017 by the speaker of RA Parliament was awarded the Parliament Diploma for the participation in the public and political life of Armenia.
- By the “AS Justice” nomination was awarded “The best young Attorney of the Year.”