The next victory in the court - Ypartners

The next victory in the court

The next victory in the court was satisfied with the claim of “Avromik” LLC against the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Armenia on the demand to oblige to fulfill the obligations assumed by the contract .

During the last year, the lawyers of “Yeghiazaryan and Partners” Law Firm have represented the interests of “Avromik” LLC in the civil case No. ԵԴ/13932/02/18 against the RA Ministry of Finance, on the demand to oblige to accept the translation system developed as a result of a technical task.

The contract stipulated that “Avromik” LLC would submit a technical task, and in case of approval by the RA Ministry of Finance, a translation program would be created in accordance with the mentioned task. The cost of performing the technical task was set at 69,600,000 AMD.

The RA Ministry of Finance approved the task in the first stage, and later refused to accept the already prepared program, claiming that it did not correspond to the technical task approved by them.

As a result of court disputes that lasted for about a year, we managed to confirm the fact that the program met the requirements of the RA Ministry of Finance and to oblige the RA Ministry of Finance to accept it.