Law Firm Legal - Trusted Clients of Yeghiazaryan & Partners




What makes us unique

  • We have the appropriate team and logistical capabilities to organize our work effectively and efficiently,
  • We do not stagnate and make continuous investments in the development of the company in the light of international best practices,
  • Years of experience have shown that our team provides exceptional problem solving efficiency; There are virtually no problems in which we have failed,
  • We are able to provide negotiation skills that stipulate win-win solutions in many difficult situations,
  • We are trusted by both Armenian and international organizations with whom we have been working effectively for many years,
  • We believe that our clients are satisfied with the quality of our work because they do not leave us,
  • We have specialists in the fields of civil, administrative, bankruptcy and criminal law, whose simultaneous work on complex issues guarantees their best resolution,
  •  We are consistently taking steps to address and reform legislative and practical issues related to our problem.